Happy New Year Wishes for 2021!!!

Dr Alfie, our chief chiropractor
Dr. Alfie Dimalanta is our chief chiropractor at Point Cook Chiropractic Health & Wellness Centre and has more than 16 years of experience caring for families, athletes and high achievers. He can help you get healthier today!

Happy New Year! 2020 is behind us and we look forward to what 2021 has in store for us!


Firstly, thank you for being part of our community. Thank you for believing in your natural ability to be healthy, and believing in our Team to help you be well and stay well. Thank you to those who referred their friends, family and to those who positively shared our good name in social media. We wouldn’t be where we are now without you. We thank you for your continued support in 2021.

The Challenge Ahead

The word ‘challenging’ has been mentioned many times in describing the year that has just passed and it is true that 2020 was a year that presented many challenges for everybody. We needed to change the way we worked, how our children and how we learnt, how we communicated (Zoom anyone?) and how we dressed. We needed to change when we could go out to exercise, attend special occasions and how many people could accompany us. Almost all of our activities were altered in some way, shape or form.

One important aspect that was significantly changed was how COVID-19 influenced our Health practices. We needed to re-assess, re-educate and re-prioritise our health practices in order to make ourselves and our families safe from contracting this virus. This ranged from washing/sanitising our hands regularly, to wearing masks in public places, to asking if visiting your chiropractor was an urgent matter. And now at the beginning of a new year, more than ever, we must guard our health better to safeguard ourselves not only from the outside by using masks and hand washing, but through proper diet, posture, sleep, exercise and everything that would keep the human body working as best as it can.

Keeping Your Spine Aligned

Using chiropractic is one way to keep your body working properly because it is important to keep the connection line between your Brain and your Body (your Spinal Cord) crystal clear. With a healthy and aligned spine, clear of subluxations, your body could respond and function appropriately. This would allow you to work, learn, heal and achieve wonderful things that you set your mind to and what life throws at you.

And at the beginning of 2021, you can choose to prepare and organise your health plan and make it a priority to lose the ‘COVID kilos’, do 10 thousand steps per day, break up your sitting periods, take your kids outside and teach them how to enjoy life away from a screen or device.

We’re here for you

Are you with me? Because if you are, our team of chiropractors, remedial massage therapist, myotherapist and front staff are there to help and support you. We are here to keep your spine aligned AND to be a resource for you to reach your health goals for 2021. We will make every effort to provide you with the same high standard of chiropractic care that you’ve known from us and create useful online content for you. We hope to deliver better services in remedial massage, myotherapy and infrared sauna and foster strong partnerships with local services to supplement the care that you receive from us.

We are here to help you Discover, Achieve and Enhance your Optimum Health Potential. In 2021 and beyond.

Warmest regards,

Dr. Alfie Dimalanta

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