
Episode #2 – 6 year old Chiropractor?

I spent my Friday night with my cousins and family on my Dad’s side. My 6 year old Cousin told me a story of what happened at school. “My teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up. I told her I want to be a Chiropractor!” Of course hearing this made both Dad and I smile like crazy, how could a little man like him so confidently decide Chiropractic already?

We asked him, what do Chiropractors do? Mind you, my Dad’s been adjusting our family members at the end of every family gathering night and my cousin would help with calling members in for their “scheduled appointment”. To the question we asked, he answered “They Break people’s necks!”

At first it was funny, I was still shocked that it took me 19 years to choose Chiropractic and this little man is 6 years old! But as the night continued, I realised that this can’t just be a 6yo’s perception of Chiropractic.

Chiropractic isn’t about “breaking necks” or “making bones crack”. Chiropractic, in broad terms, helps people become healthier. As Chiropractors, through the art of Chiropractic, we remove interruptions between brain and body for you to function, heal and live to your optimum potential! At the end of the day, chiropractors don’t heal you. Chiropractors simple clear the path for your body to heal itself.

So by the end of the night, both my Dad and I were determined to make sure he went home with a better explanation. After some repetition, we asked him again: “what do Chiropractors do?” To which he replied…

“They help people become healthy”.

Stay sunny, keep livin’

Yours Truly, Yvette The Red-Head Chiro Student

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