2020 and the COVID-19 Restrictions forced us to change our work, school and social lives. We spent more time indoors than out, consumed food and drinks that we shouldn’t have, and spent more time in front of a device. We couldn’t spend time with people outside of our household, the gyms were closed and we were restricted to a small window of exercise time. This led to weight gain, weaker muscles, loss of fitness and the subsequent back pain, neck

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How does our Team stay ACTIVE?

DR. ALFIE’S BIKE RIDE Bike Riding from Point Cook to Williamstown: Cycling on a Sunday morning before everybody gets up, gets your exercise over and done with. This track is scenic, calming and a view of West Side Melbourne you can’t catch in a car. YVONNE’S WALKING TRACK Altona Beach to Altona Coastal Park:Starting from the Altona station on the Werribee line. Walk towards the foreshore along Pier St. Turn left (west) into the Esplanade and follow the beach path.

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Our Team has put together a little cookbook for you to enjoy and have a sneak peak into our everyday diet! Dr. Alfie’s Meal Broccoli & Ranch Dressing: If you’ve never tried it, you’re missing out. Fresh, crunchy broccoli with the tanginess of ranch. So tasty and so good for you! Ingredients:– 1 Head of Broccoli– Ranch Dressing Method: Cut the little heads of the broccoli, rinse and set aside. Squeeze the desired amount of Ranch Dressing into a bowl.

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#LifeOfAChiroStudent Episode #2 – 6 year old Chiropractor? I spent my Friday night with my cousins and family on my Dad’s side. My 6 year old Cousin told me a story of what happened at school. “My teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up. I told her I want to be a Chiropractor!” Of course hearing this made both Dad and I smile like crazy, how could a little man like him so confidently decide Chiropractic

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Video: The Anti-Gravity Stretch

Reduce tension during the day with this simple stretch at work. Tip: Stand behind your seat so that you have plenty of room to lean back, Involve other workmates!

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Video: How to Reduce Rotator Cuff Muscle Tension Using a Lacrosse Ball

https://youtu.be/QR_wqOwFc04 Here’s Dr. Alfie demonstrating how to use a lacrosse ball to release tension from tight and sore rotator cuff muscles. Tips: Apply tolerable pressure on areas for 30-60 seconds, It is meant to be sore: If it’s not sore, you’re on the wrong spot. If it’s too sore, you’re on the wrong spot. Increase the circumference of the circle you trace with your hand/elbow to change the intensity and direction of the pressure. Suggested frequency: Daily – 1 week,

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Video: How To Avoid Text Neck While On Public Transport

Text Neck is an overuse condition brought on by repetitive forward head carriage and bending of the neck while using electronic devices, such as phones, tablets and laptops. This results in neck stiffness, tension headaches, shoulder pain or numbness and tingling. Dr. Alfie has made a video to show you a simple way to avoid Text Neck while maintaining your privacy on public transport.

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Sitting On Your Wallet Is Not Good For Your Back. Here’s why…

Wallets are a convenient means of carrying bank notes, credit cards, and other miscellaneous items. When these wallets are placed in back pockets and sat on, it can cause imbalance and compensation to your spine and muscles that may lead to unnecessary pain and suffering. Read on to find out more. A lot of people, particularly men, travel light by putting all their necessary and vital documents in their wallet. These compact containers are stuffed full of papers and paraphernalia

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