Now That You’ve Had Your First Adjustment

After your adjustment, you might feel looser and lighter. You might feel an immediate improvement, feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders or feel more energetic. But as your adjustment settles down you might feel a bit tight, sore or a return of how things were before the adjustment. That’s ok. We call this phenomenon ‘Reactivations’: it’s when the body begins the process of recovery, which includes reactivating processes that have been dormant since becoming subluxated. Reactivations are not always pleasant but they’re often temporary and part of the healing process.

Follow these simple steps to make sure you’re as comfortable as possible and to give your body the greatest chance to recover.

Take it easy

We recommend that you take it easy and listen to your body. Drink plenty of water, get some rest and avoid any strenuous activities for the day. If your regular duties include strenuous activity (for example, lifting kids), that’s ok. It’s life. But if you can avoid doing them today and have someone else do it, you would be better off.

Take regular breaks

Take regular breaks. For the rest of the day, alternate between sitting and standing. You would want to let the adjustment settle as best as it could. If you’ll be doing a lot of sitting, stand up regularly. In the same token, sit regularly if your duties involve standing for long periods.

Sleep or Rest

Resting, sleeping or withdrawing from your usual activities are advisable after an adjustment. Some may feel sleepy after their adjustment, in which case we recommend that they go to sleep or have a quick nap. If possible, have an early night. You might be surprised how the adjustment will affect your quality of sleep!

Be mindful

Do you slouch, cross your legs, lean to one side of your seat or shift your weight to one side more?

Being more mindful of your actions and habits after your adjustment is a great step towards learning more about your body. Sitting and standing more upright, being aware of how you lean over your desk or do your work can help you be more comfortable as your body settles after the adjustment. Being more aware can also help you begin to identify possible contributors to your problem.

We suggest to keep these suggestions in mind after subsequent adjustments. Reactivations can occur at any time and the adjustment processes better with less activities.

If you have low back pain, please read our ‘Top 5 Tips to Care for Lower Back Pain’ sheet.

If you have any questions or any concerns, for example if something is painful, call our office or send us a message on our Facebook page. Your message will go straight to our Inbox and will be answered by one of our staff.

If you haven’t booked your next appointment, click here to book online or call us on 9394 8888.

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