Wallets are a convenient means of carrying bank notes, credit cards, and other miscellaneous items. When these wallets are placed in back pockets and sat on, it can cause imbalance and compensation to your spine and muscles that may lead to unnecessary pain and suffering. Read on to find out more.
A lot of people, particularly men, travel light by putting all their necessary and vital documents in their wallet. These compact containers are stuffed full of papers and paraphernalia and form a sizeable lump. A common problem occurs when these wallets are placed in one of the back pockets of trousers because they cause the pelvis to sit incorrectly and force the body to compensate and adapt.

‘The Human Body craves for alignment . When we are properly aligned, our bones, not our muscles support our weight, reducing effort and strain.’

Easy Access But Bad For You
Although easily accessible, placing the wallet in the back pocket causes an unsightly bulge and causes that side of the buttocks to be raised when seated. The resulting pelvic tilt (see photos above) causes the spine to curve and create an imbalance. This transfers the load towards on one side causing strain to the back muscles. Additionally, the wallet compresses the skin, muscles and nerves of the affected buttocks reducing circulation around the buttocks and legs. This can lead to a condition, called Sciatica, which is the numbness, tingling and/or shooting, electric-shock like pain down the sciatic nerve.
Habitually keeping this pelvis wedged while sitting over a period of time can cause:
- Low back pain,
- Numbness and tingling (i.e. pins and needles, ‘parasthesia’) in the leg,
- Weakness and/or pain to one side of the legs, thigh, knee or ankle.
Unfortunately, many young men adapt this habit from their elders (i.e. Dad, uncle or bigger brother) and set up a path to poor spinal health and posture.
How To Correct This:
To prevent issues resulting from sitting on your wallet, our advice is to place it in another pocket (for example, the front trouser pocket) or, better yet, take it out of the pocket when sitting. It may feel odd without that familiar bump but you will soon get used to it…and your body will thank you for the change!
If you or someone you know is experiencing back pain, numbness or discomfort in the legs, it may be from sitting on your wallet. Don’t wait for things to get worse. Have your spine checked by a chiropractor at the soonest possible opportunity to have this corrected! Call our office on 9394 8888 or click here to book an appointment.
Until next time, remember that you are designed to be extraordinary.
Dr Alfie