Our Covid-19 Policy
The Steps We're Taking To Keep You Safe Through The COVID-19 Pandemic
Below are the announcements we’ve made in response to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic. We endeavour to keep you updated about changes to our Practice Hours, Policies and Procedures on this page in order to ensure the safety of practice members, the people who visit our practice and the community at large.
Thank you for visiting this page and bookmark it to keep up-to-date with our changes.
Friday, 22nd October 2021: All Services are Back!
We are excited to announce that all of our services: Chiropractic, Myotherapy and Infrared Sauna are back from Friday, 22 October 2021!
Yes, all of the services that you’ve been waiting for are once again available for routine, maintenance visits. (i.e. It doesn’t have to be Urgent anymore.)
If you’re new to our practice, we are accepting ALL new client visits too. We will welcome EVERYONE.
We can’t wait to see you and we know that some of you feel the same. We will do our best to schedule you as soon as possible and at a convenient time but understand that spaces will be limited. So if you want to book in, call or book online.
*If you can’t find a suitable time slot, call us on 9394 8888 and we’ll help you find one. We can also add you to our Waiting List for any late cancellations.
So call 9394 8888 today or click on the button below to book your appointment. We look forward to getting you back to your best self. See you soon!
Team PtCookChiro

Tuesday, 17th August 2021 **SNAP LOCKDOWN 6.2 - 2 MORE WEEKS**
Tuesday, 17th August 2021 – We are still open to provide Chiropractic care to our community with a further 2 weeks of Lockdown being in place as of midnight, Tuesday 17th August 2021.
We are contacting people who are scheduled to come in this week to confirm their appointments and whether or not they should be receiving care at this time.
Our practice hours will remain as per normal at this stage. Visit pointcookchiro.com.au to check our practice hours.
Based on the advice provided by our governing bodies, we are still able to see patients who require immediate, urgent care. That means that we can still see people who have not been to see us before if they need immediate, urgent care, i.e. New Patients. Routine or Maintenance patients cannot be seen at this time and can only be seen once Lockdown restrictions have been lifted. We will keep you informed of any changes to this criteria as they come to hand.
Myotherapy and Infrared Sauna is still not available until Lockdown restrictions are lifted.
If you are needing immediate, urgent care at this stage or unsure whether you can come in for chiropractic care, please call our office on 9394 8888. You can still book Online using the button below but please note that one of our staff may contact you to confirm your eligibility to come in.

Friday, 18th June 2021 - Further Easing of Restrictions Return of: All Services, All Appointment Types and Normal Hours
The Easing of Restrictions on Friday, 11th June sees the return of all services to all practice members under care. This means people are able to access chiropractic, myotherapy and infrared sauna again.
Drs. Alfie and Guy are available during regular practice hours for chiropractic care.
Lenora, our myotherapist, is available at Point Cook on Tuesdays, Altona Meadows on Thursdays and alternating Saturdays.
We are open until late (7pm) and both practices are open on Saturdays.
To book an appointment, call our offices on 9394 8888 (Point Cook) or 9315 8888 (Altona Meadows) or click here to book online.
Warmest regards,
Team PtCookChiro & MeadowsLifeChiro

Update: Thursday, 27th May 2021 - 7-Day Circuit Breaker Lockdown
Our office will be closed during the 7-day Circuit-breaker Lockdown from Friday, 28 May to Thursday, 3 June February. All appointments are being contacted to reschedule to another time after the lockdown.
Dr. Alfie will be available at Altona Meadows from 9am – 7pm on Friday, 4th June.
Dr. Guy will be available from 9am to 7pm at Point Cook on Friday, 4th June.
We apologise for this inconvenience and the disruption this would bring to those already under our care. We hope that you can hold off until we can resume face-to-face appointments again. We will be posting updates during the Lockdown, particularly if there are any extensions.
Thank you for your patience, we’ve been through this before. Please stay safe and stay well.
Team PtCookChiro and MeadowsLifeChiro

Update: Saturday, 13th February 2021 - 5-Day Stage 4 Lockdown
The Victorian state government has called for a 5-day, Stage 4 Lockdown from Saturday, 13 to Wednesday, 17th February that makes it compulsory for our office to be closed for face-to-face appointments.
We have contacted those people who are scheduled for appointments on Monday to Wednesday, asking them to reschedule their appointments to Thursday or Friday.
Dr. Alfie will be available at Point Cook from 9am – 7pm on Thursday, 18th February. He will also be available from 9am to midday on Friday, 19th February.
Dr. Guy will be available from 9am to 7pm at Altona Meadows on Thursday, 18th February and at Point Cook from 9am to 7pm on Friday, 19th February.
We apologise for this inconvenience and the disruption this would bring to those already under our care. We hope that you can hold off until we can resume face-to-face appointments again later this week.
Thank you for your patience and please stay safe and well.
Team PtCookChiro and MeadowsLifeChiro
Update: Thursday, 17th December 2020 - 'Industry Restart Guidelines, December 2020'
In light of further recent updates from the Victorian State Government, entitled ‘Industry Restart Guidelines – Allied Health, December 2020’, we are changing our policies accordingly.
- The most significant being that wearing face masks are not mandatory for people visiting our office. However, if you feel more at ease wearing a mask you are most welcome to wear one during your visit. Our practitioners, chiropractors and myotherapist, will continue to wear face masks to ensure yours and our community’s safety.
- We maintain all other steps in our CovidSafe Plan, which includes:
- Maintaining a close record of people visiting our office,
- Regularly washing and sanitising our hands,
- Regularly wiping down shared surfaces with disinfectant,
- Maintaining social distancing in the Waiting Room and other shared areas.

Update: Monday, 19th October 2020 - Allied Health Services, including Chiropractic, are back.
Allied Health Services, which includes Chiropractic, are back to normal operations from today, Monday, 19th October 2020, following Premier Andrews’ announcement on Sunday morning.
We are now able to see anyone wishing to come in for chiropractic care, particularly those who have put their care on hold on commencement of the Stage 4 Restrictions back in August.
At this stage, Remedial Massage and Infrared Sauna services are still not available, however we are keeping an eye out for further changes to the Restrictions in the following weeks.
Our operating hours are:
Monday – Thursday: 9am – 7pm
Friday: closed
Saturday: 9am – 12nn
Call 9394 8888 or click here to make an appointment today.

Update: Thursday, 6 August 2020 - Providing Care To Limited Cases
In this extended Stage 4 Restriction step, we are still able to stay open to provide chiropractic as part of the ‘Essential Services‘ under the DHHS category of ‘Health Care and Social Assistance’. However, there are limitations to the cases that we can see for face-to-face visits at our practice at this time.
The limitations set out for the next 6 weeks are:
Routine services are not permitted.
Care must only be provided if the absence of, or delay of this, care would result in a significant change or deterioration in the patient’s functional independence necessitating escalation of care – as described above. These directives are about protecting the public and protecting health workers. Practitioners must critically consider if the service is essential for the patient/client in the next 6 week period. This is about saving lives.
The patient does not require a medical referral to receive care.
There are no restrictions on the delivery of Allied Health services via Telehealth. We would encourage private practitioners to consider using Telehealth where at all possible so that patients/clients can continue to benefit from their Allied Health services.
So, unless your condition is stopping you from carrying out your normal duties independently or if you believe that it will significantly get worse without immediate care, we will kindly ask you to avoid visiting our office to protect yourself and others from COVID-19. This applies to people who have visited our practice before and those who have not.
If you are unsure whether you fit in either category, please call our office on 9394 8888 and we would be happy to provide you with further information and guidance.
We will provide updates via posts on Facebook, Instagram and this website.
Update: Thursday, 23 July 2020 - Wearing Masks
We are now wearing masks full time in order to minimise the spread of COVID-19 and to protect those we serve. This is in line with the Victorian Government’s advice additional to the other steps (see below) that we are taking against COVID-19 spread.
The current guidelines are:
- Staff who are directly involved in treating patients must wear eye protection (safety glasses, goggles or face shields).
- All staff must wear (at a minimum) a level 1 or type 1 surgical mask while at work. This now includes non-public facing staff.
- Do not use cloth masks at work.
We continue to help our Community through this second lockdown.
Update: Tuesday, 7th July 2020 - 2nd COVID-19 Lockdown for Victorians
Hi there, it’s Dr. Alfie from Point Cook Chiropractic and Meadows Life Chiropractic Health & Wellness Centre. This afternoon The Premier of Victoria announced that we are going into Stage 3 ‘Stay At Home’ Restrictions from 11.59pm, Wednesday 8th July to help curb the spread of COVID-19.
We want to let you know that as Essential services, our practices in Point Cook and Altona Meadows will remain open. We are there to serve those who are under our care, and also for those who wish to access chiropractic care during this time.
We want to assure you that we will continue, as we had in the past, to adhere to strict hygiene standards in both our offices. This includes: Hand sanitising, Regular cleaning of tables, Restricting the number of people in our waiting areas,
Spacing out our schedules, and for our practitioners to wear Personal Protective Equipment upon request.
For our practice in Altona Meadows, we will encourage our patients to either stay in their vehicle until their turn or stay outside, weather permitting.
All of these measurements are put in place to minimise the spread of virus and maintain social distancing.
We want to assure you that every individual who comes into our offices are registered in our database for safe contact tracing if the need ever arises.
We are still taking new patients. So if you or anyone you know is suffering from aches and pains that we could otherwise help please call our office on 9394 8888 (for Point Cook) or 9315 8888 (for Altona Meadows). You can also book online so that we could start that process with you. Similarly, if you have any concerns about coming in for chiropractic and have questions, please call us on the same numbers. We are there to serve you.
Additionally, our remedial massage therapist, Moneta, will be taking a leave of absence from the practice in line with these reasons but will be available for any advice through Telehealth.
We wish you all the very best at this time. We hope that you are well and that you stay safe.
For further announcements and updates, please visit our website or facebook page. Thank you for watching.
We want to let you know that we are still open and taking all measures to ensure everyone’s safety. These steps include:
– Practitioners washing hands thoroughly with soap or hand sanitiser.
– Chiropractic and massage table contact areas frequently wiped.
– High contact surfaces around the office (e.g. Reception countertop, benches, etc.) are wiped regularly.
– We are also asking clients and visitors to the office who have recently been overseas or displaying symptoms of COVID-19 infection to stay away and seek alternative assistance.
– Monitoring the National and State Departments of Health for updates and advice.
For those who are looking to see a chiropractor or a remedial massage therapist, we are the team to help you. You’re in safe hands and we look forward to speaking with you.
For those who are already seeing us and receiving care, we encourage you to continue with your recommended care plans. Thank you for your continued belief in our team.
If you have any questions or concerns about coming in for care, please call us on 9394 8888.
We are happy to speak with you.
Are you ready to book an appointment?
Did you get the information you were looking for? Do you have any more questions?
Call us today on 9394 8888 if you have any more questions or click here to book an appointment online.